el_print, el_vprint, el_puts, el_perror - prints message to previously configured outputs.
#include <embedlog.h>
int el_puts(const char *string);
int el_print(LEVEL, const char *fmt, ...);
int el_vprint(LEVEL, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
int el_perror(LEVEL, const char *fmt, ...);
int el_oputs(struct el *el, const char *string);
int el_oprint(LEVEL, struct el *el, const char *fmt, ...);
int el_ovprint(LEVEL, struct el *el, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
int el_operror(LEVEL, struct el *el, const char *fmt, ...);
#define EL_DEBUG(...) el_print(ELD, __VA_ARGS__)
Functions print log into configured outputs.
LEVEL is a macro that expands to:
__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, LOG_LEVEL
It's pointless to pass these values each time you wnat to print, so these are defined as macros, one for each level
ELF Fatal errors, usually precedes application crash
ELA Alert, vey major error that should be fixed as soon as possible
ELC Critical
ELE Error
ELW Warning
ELN Normal log, but of high importance
ELI Information message, shouldn't spam too much here
ELD Debug messages, can spam as much as you'd like
el_print(3) function behaves similar to standard printf() function from the standard library, but it adds (if enabled) additional information, such as file name, line number or func name from where log has been printed, log level, and timestamp of the message. fmt and variadic variables ... have the same role as it is described in printf manual page.
el_print(ELI, "Info message");
el_print(ELF, "Fatal message with additional argument %d", 42);
/* This will print: */
/* i/Info message
* f/Fatal message with additional argument 42 */
el_puts(3) function prints message that is simple string. message is not altered in anyway - that means no automatic log levels, location of the log nor timestamp is printed - even if they are enabled. Logs printed with this functions are not filtered by log level, and will always be printed. Prints can still be suppressed by disabling output.
el_vprint(3) function behaves just like el_print(3) but it accepts argument pointer ap instead of variadic variables. Check vprintf for more information.
el_perror(3) works the same way as el_print(3) but will also print information about current errno that was set. If fmt is NULL, only information about errno will be printed. It is similar to perror function, but perror does not accept format, while this function does. It is guaranteed that el_perror(3) functions will not modify errno value.
errno = ENOENT;
el_perror(ELE, "Error writing to %s", some_file);
/* This will print: */
/* e/Error writing to /some/path
* e/errno num: 2, strerror: No such file or directory */
el_print(3), el_vprint(3), el_perror(3), are filtered based on their level.
All of above functions have their counterpart that also accepts custom el object. This is useful if we want for example, print logs into one file, and program queries into another. It can also be used to print every level into different file. It will also be usefull on RTOS with flat memory space.
When user defines EL_OPTIONS_OBJECT macros with OEL* can be
used to save yourself the trouble to type &opt_obj
each time. This
macro should be defined to what normally would be passed to
el_oprint functions familly. It usually is used with extern
keyword like
/* one time declaration */
extern struct el log_foobar;
extern struct el log_query;
#define EL_OPTIONS_OBJECT &log_foobar
/* Print using custom log object, note that function is called
* el_oprint, not el_print, and LEVEL macro is also prefixed
* with an "O", so it's OELN and not ELN */
el_oprint(OELN, "Notice message");
/* Only one object can be declared to be used with OEL* macros,
* if you need to print to multiple loggers, you then need to
* manually specify object */
el_oprint(ELN, &g_log_query, "Query logged");
If you define NOFINFO in your project, **__FILE__**,
**__LINE__**, **EL_FUNC_NAME**
will be unconditionally set to
NULL and 0 and no file information will be printed - even if it
was enabled with el_option(3).
If user has access to c99 compiler, one can use EL_DEBUG for debuging messages only. Later when application is compiled with NDEBUG, all side effects as well as strings used will be stripped out from final binary - so no vital information will be leaked in such way. This is not possible on c89 compiller due to absence of variadic variables in preprocesor macros.
EL_FUNC_NAME will work only on c99 compilers, where
is defined, on c89 compilers function name won't be
printed, and setting EL_FUNCINFO won't help it.
Simple printing using default object
/* ==========================================================================
Licensed under BSD 2clause license See LICENSE file for more information
Author: Michał Łyszczek <michal.lyszczek@bofc.pl>
========================================================================== */
#include "embedlog.h"
int el_demo_print_simple_main(void)
int main(void)
/* first we need to initialize logger to known state, embedlog
* will print to stdout by default */
/* now we can simply print messages like we would do it with
* ordinary printf - we just need to log level macro as a first
* argument */
el_print(ELI, "Info message");
el_print(ELF, "Fatal message with additional argument %d", 42);
el_print(ELD, "Debug message that won't be printed due to log level");
/* we can change log level in runtime as we see fit, now enable
* debug prints */
el_print(ELD, "But now debug will be printed");
/* altough embedlog does not use dynamic allocation by itself,
* system may allocate some resources (like opened file
* descriptors when printing to file), with el_cleanup, we can
* make sure all resources are freed. */
return 0;
Same code, but print to custom made embedlog object
/* ==========================================================================
Licensed under BSD 2clause license See LICENSE file for more information
Author: Michał Łyszczek <michal.lyszczek@bofc.pl>
========================================================================== */
#include "embedlog.h"
#define EL_OPTIONS_OBJECT g_log
int el_demo_print_simple_main(void)
int main(void)
/* Declaration on stack, this should only be used on RTOS, where
* stable ABI is not a concern, but allocating on stack is desireable */
/* struct el g_log; */
/* Heap allocating will provide stable ABI in systems with dynamic
* linking, your program will not have to be recompilled each time
* embedlog changes */
struct el *g_log;
/* Stack initialization of embedlog object */
/* el_oinit(&g_log); */
/* Heap allocation of embedlog object */
g_log = el_new();
/* Now we can print almost just as easy as with default functions.
* We just have to use slightly different function name and LEVEL
* macro */
el_oprint(OELI, "Info message");
el_oprint(OELF, "Fatal message with additional argument %d", 42);
el_oprint(OELD, "Debug message that won't be printed due to log level");
/* we can change log level in runtime as we see fit, now enable
* debug prints */
el_oset_log_level(g_log, EL_DBG);
el_oprint(OELD, "But now debug will be printed");
/* Cleaning up stack allocated object */
/* el_ocleanup(&g_log); */
/* Cleaning up heap allocated object */
return 0;
All functions return 0 when whole message has been successfuly printed to all configured outputs. If message couldn't be printed, it was printed only partially, or was not send to at least one configured output -1 is returned. Note that only one error is returned even if there was multiple errors.
All functions may return one of these on error
Any of the input parameters is invalid.
Logging to file is enabled and filename was not set with EL_FPATH option
Logging to file is enabled, file was opened sucessfuly, but log cannot be stored into file. This usually happen that file was unlinked from the file system and embedlog couldn't create new file again (no access to directory or directory doesn't exist at all). Log is lost, but embedlog will try to recreate log file everytime el_print(3) is called.
All possible outputs are disabled
el_print(3), el_vprint(3), el_perror(3), may also return:
Message will not be logged as message log level is lower than configured one.
Message is bigger than EL_LOG_MAX and will be truncated.
When logging to file is enabled, all functions may also return errors from fwrite and if file rotation is enabled also from fopen